It is Sunday morning and we are waking up in the Holiday Inn of Charlottesville, Va. Yeah!! We were "released" from the hospital yesterday afternoon. . . and yes we are both a little apprehensive. . .but we are out! The surgeon had suggested that we stay in Virginia last night just to make sure she has no complications over night. She did great! She is definitely not up to par yet . . .but hey . . she just had brain surgery (lol).
We are headed home later this morning. She is still on lots of meds and still a little shakey but we did do some walking around yesterday and ate dinner out. She was very excited!
We should be home later this evening and she has asked if I would let everyone know that she cannot wait to see everyone, but to give her a day or so before expecting her to be very social. Getting home and sleeping in our own beds is all we can think about right now! We will be at home for a few days before we jump back into the fast life of Spring Lake.
Krissy has completed one of the steps towards becoming seizure free. No, it didn't happen exactly like we had hoped, but we have lots of great doctors working on her case and we feel confident that God can use each of them in a mightly way. So, we will begin a new adventure the end of March . . . .working towards neuropace.
Ok, so maybe you should write that book. That last sentence was the perfect ending to the chapter. Can't wait to get to see you guys and talk. Krissy, I still got that man for you...
Welcome Home Krissy...
Welcome Home!! Love the picture...you are so beautiful Krissy, as always!! Hope you have a wonderful, sunny day driving home and you enjoy His creation along the way. God loves you and we do too!!
Welcome home Ladies!!! That is great news. About the Dr's. and you being on your way home. I bet you need more than just a FEW days to get back into the swing. I hope the adjusting back time goes swift for you both! well really all three!! Sorry Jess... I guess sometimes we forget how much this stresses you out too! All three of you have been in our prayers and will continue to be! I can't wait to hear some more stories. tc ladies and God Bless you all!!I love you
YAHOO! So happy to hear you'll be sleeping in your own bed tonight. You never realize just how good it feels until you go without for a few days. Guess Dorothy was right when she said, "There's no place like home" and now you can officially agree with her. God bless you all and this is just one step in the right direction. God will be with you all the way and so will we.
Thats awesome news!!!!!!!!We cant wait to see you.
I'm so excited, you are home. Driving back from my shopping adventure today I was thinking about how you were back and you were going to be here and laughing again, weee!
Oops, our computer is in Korean so I think I accidentally deleted our post... This is what we wrote the first time, basically.
There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed! You guys have earned it! They should give you a badge of honor, or at least certificates of completion. With all of those to whom you ministered, I'm sure there'll be a few extra jewels in your crowns in heaven. No doubt it's been a difficult journey, but your updates have been a blessing and a challenge. We're still praying for you guys and are glad your back home again!!
I am so amazed at the strength and faith you have displayed. You are truly an example of all the good things God can do once he is in your heart. Keep up the healing. I hope to see you soon!!
Angela Cherbonneau
I just came across your posts via Google Alerts. Any how I see that you may going the way of the Neuropace device? Is there is any news on that front?
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