I realize I shared with you all last night that Krissy was looking good and all was well . . . and then the second day arrived. Don't get me wrong, she still "looks" great; no swelling, no black eyes, and great color in her skin...but she has not felt real great on the inside. I forget so quick the effects of anesthesiologist (or something like that - lol) . . . you know, the meds that put her to sleep. She has had a very long day, unable to keep anything in her stomach (meds, water, and definitely food). So, therefore, all meds for pain and nausea have to be through an IV or shot. So that also makes her very happy! And have you ever noticed that once the nurses give you medicine for the pain and tell you to try to sleep they wake you up every few minutes to see how the pain is and if you are able to sleep. (Things that make you go...hmmmm.) And that pain chart they teach you in the hospital . . . rate your pain from 1 to 10...10 being the greatest, and then when you actually have pain at the level 10 you get no more attention or pain medicine than when you have pain at the level 6. (Once again, things that make you go ...hmmmm.)
Ok, so I am done whining now . . . back to Krissy. Yes, her pain has been very severe tonight and it has been difficult for them to find the right combination of relief. So, the best medicine I know of to give her the relief she needs is PRAYER. We know that works!
Today was training day for the laptop, wand, and magnet to help record information. Only problem was Kristina was too sick to realize what was going on. So, Jess, Rob and I learned everything we need to know about the device and how to use all the "gadgets" . . . and of course Jess took notes for me! For the next 2 weeks to a month the device that has been implanted is going to be "learning" all it can about Krissy's brain and how it works (types of seizures, where they come from, etc). So, every time she has a seizure we are to run this magnet over the area of her head where the device is. This marks the seizure on the eeg that is continuously recording. Then we have a wand to use (the wand is called Jerry - because it looks like a mouse - and the device is Tom . . . you know the old cartoon of Tom and Jerry . . . mouse and cat. . . which by the way was Kristina's favorite cartoon as a kid) and we hold it to her head, where the device is to download into the laptop all info stored in the device. Then weekly we send all this info from the laptop to the Doc via the phone lines. So, now have I totally confused you! lol Anyway . . .that's what we have been doing today . . .and hopefully you get a feel of what is to come. And then Kristina asks me . . . "now what are we doing here??"
On a serious note . . . even though she feels rough today and is questioning why . . . .and I am totally in a whining mood . . . . we know God is still on His Throne and still in control! He never promised us a bed of roses! We know Kristina is in God's hands and He loves her, therefore, we have nothing to fear.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
note . . . to all of you that may be in the medical field . . . I in no way am trying to disrespect the work that is done by the many doctors and nurses that have cared so diligently for Kristina . . . we have the utmost respect for what they do . . . .and have many that are our favorites here!
Ok, so I am done whining now . . . back to Krissy. Yes, her pain has been very severe tonight and it has been difficult for them to find the right combination of relief. So, the best medicine I know of to give her the relief she needs is PRAYER. We know that works!
Today was training day for the laptop, wand, and magnet to help record information. Only problem was Kristina was too sick to realize what was going on. So, Jess, Rob and I learned everything we need to know about the device and how to use all the "gadgets" . . . and of course Jess took notes for me! For the next 2 weeks to a month the device that has been implanted is going to be "learning" all it can about Krissy's brain and how it works (types of seizures, where they come from, etc). So, every time she has a seizure we are to run this magnet over the area of her head where the device is. This marks the seizure on the eeg that is continuously recording. Then we have a wand to use (the wand is called Jerry - because it looks like a mouse - and the device is Tom . . . you know the old cartoon of Tom and Jerry . . . mouse and cat. . . which by the way was Kristina's favorite cartoon as a kid) and we hold it to her head, where the device is to download into the laptop all info stored in the device. Then weekly we send all this info from the laptop to the Doc via the phone lines. So, now have I totally confused you! lol Anyway . . .that's what we have been doing today . . .and hopefully you get a feel of what is to come. And then Kristina asks me . . . "now what are we doing here??"
On a serious note . . . even though she feels rough today and is questioning why . . . .and I am totally in a whining mood . . . . we know God is still on His Throne and still in control! He never promised us a bed of roses! We know Kristina is in God's hands and He loves her, therefore, we have nothing to fear.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
note . . . to all of you that may be in the medical field . . . I in no way am trying to disrespect the work that is done by the many doctors and nurses that have cared so diligently for Kristina . . . we have the utmost respect for what they do . . . .and have many that are our favorites here!
Tom and Jerry! :-) I watched that yesterday! That's the verse that no matter what happens is always true but you have to keep believing (Romans 8:28). Tell Krissy to keep her head up, you too! I know it will work out because God has a funny way of doing that all the time, even when we have "our days" he's always in the midst of them. I love you both. Find something to laugh at...keep your spirits up.
Hey Dollie and Krissy,
God is definitely in control! Remember Jeremiah 29:11 - He knows our future and holds us in his hands! Love you guys. Tell Krissy Hi from Allen. Thinking about you today.
Ladies, I have been thinking of you all day long. I look forward to reading "Life's Journey" when I get home. I love the thorns on the roses, though not at the time I get punctured with one. I learn from those thorns. So no life is not always a bed of roses, and whine all you want, we're here for all of you, not just Krissy. Krissy (hug, hug) we miss you. Cheryl and Jeff.
P.S. "Hi, I hope Krissy gets better real fast." Jonathan
I'm sorry you guys go through so much, it doesn't get easier-but you get stronger to deal with it all. I know how it tugs at our hearts to see our children go through surgery and pain, it must hurt God too-as he never leaves us.
The Prayer of Faith
Lord, I pray I will always put my faith and trust in you to lead me through lifes chalenges.
God Bless! May you feel his presence even more...
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