Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's Officially "On"

Today has been an exciting, anxious, nerve racking, busy, overwhelming day for Kristina and I. We are still here in Charlottesville, VA tonight . . . should have gone home . . .but the appointments today lasted until 6:45 pm. Whew . . . it started at 10:00 this morning, after a 3 hour neuropsychological test yesterday; today just was emotionally and physically exhausting! Krissy has been totally stressed all day and then right before we left the hospital today she had her eyes dilated! So now, stressed and can't see . . lol.

Krissy is officially at the end of the "blind research" portion of the neuropace process. Today the device was "turned on." Unfortunately the docs were unable to tell us whether the device has been on or off up to this point. That was a little disappointing, but all is good. Before we saw her neurologist this morning, Krissy had to take a very long mood survey (just like the one she had to complete at the beginning of the study). We laughed about the fact that even if she was in a good mood when we came in . . . completing the survey definitely changed that. :) The doctors once again seemed overly excited today.... almost giddy. We realize this is a huge deal in the research realm of things, we just have a much harder time being as excited as they are. Krissy was actually anticipating what it would feel like when the device was turned on today (assuming it hasn't been on up to this point). Was she going to feel a shock, or smoke come out of her ears...you know those kind of things . . . lol. It is a little scarey for us though . . .I guess the unknown. And then we have had to discuss the possibility that this is not going to be the solution to the seizure disorder. That is a big issue to swallow. Even one of the doctors reminded us that with four electrodes in place, but only being able to have two activated at a time, leaves alot of room for adjustments and the right combination. He mentioned that it was like everyone with the device has it's own set of fingerprints that have to be worked out.

After we left the neurologist we had to go over to the main hospital for her eye appointment. Krissy has been experiencing some blurry vision that the neurologist wants to make sure has nothing to do with her vision. Well, many hours and tons of tests later, her eye sight is good and is not the reason for the occasional blurriness. The head honcho doctor was very interesting! He spoke very fast and used a little recording device that he kept talking into as he asked questions of Kristina and I. Man did that stress her out! He didn't allow much time for you to think about the answers to the questions . . . he just pushed on. Is suppose to be the best when it comes to the eyes and the effects on the brain . . . and all that neurological stuff.

So, today as we were waiting in the doctor's office I realized how many times we have sat there looking out the same window. Amazing how time almost seems unreal as I realized how many seasons we have watched pass by throughout this process. We have seen the snow, the color changing on the mountains, the new life of the blossoms on the trees and now we are beginning once again to see all the flowers in full bloom. We realized today that we have made in excess of 25 trips to Charlottesville over the course of two years. Wow! But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands;... Psalm 31:14-15

Kristina continues to be a real tough cookie! Once again we left the hospital knowing that whatever is in God's plan for her life, we will continue to enjoy each day as it comes and make the most of the life we have today!

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again; Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philipians 4:4-7

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